HIFI Spectrum of Water and Organics in the Orion Nebula. Copyright: ESA, HEXOS and the HIFI Consortium. E. Bergin

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14/6/2010: First announcement released


6/10/2010: Second announcement released


12/01/2011: Instructions for the Proceedings


09/02/2011: Last and important news


16/02/2011: Registration is closed


the molecular universe

(iau symposium 280)


May 30 - June 3, 2011

Toledo (Spain)



Following the IAU Symposia guidelines, and according to the existing publishing contract between IAU and CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS (CUP), the Proceedings book of IAU Symp. 280 will be published by CUP within 6 months after the meeting.

CUP needs three months for its own processing of the manuscripts, leaving three months for the authors and the scientific Editors to do their work (including the refereeing process). This imposes a very strict deadline for the authors to provide their manuscripts. In practice we strongly recommend that all authors deliver their completed manuscripts to the Scientific Editors before or during the Symposium

  • In any event, manuscripts for inclusion in the IAU 280 Proceedings are due no later than 20 June 2011.

Email manuscripts need to be sent to the attention of the Editors at the following address:

As for the previous Astrochemistry IAUS Proceedings, only the invited/review papers will be published in a book. The following page allocation limit will apply:

  • Invited/Review paper: 14 pages max.

Other contributions to the Symposium (contributed talks and posters) will be published in the conference web site (which will remain accessible for at least 5 years)

Abstract of all contributions to the Simposium will be published on the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System (SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System).

The rules and guidelines for manuscript submission click here are based on the publishing contract between IAU and CUP. All the necessary files to prepare the manuscript can be found at:


Additionally, an author must give his consent to publish and transfer the copyright, either by filling the online form or by returning at the registration desk the appropriate form (click here to download the PDF form)

All registered participants will receive a copy of the IAU 280 Symposium Proceedings book, since it is included in the registration fee.



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