Degree in Mathematics, University Autonoma of Madrid University in 1999.

From 2000 to 2004 I worked in Bilbomatica company, developed applications in Java (J2EE), Oracle (BD, SQLs, FORM, REPORTs), HTML for several clients.

From 2004 to 2009 I worked in the Avalon company, in its clients (Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo-AECID), as analyzed and developed in Java (J2EE, JSwing), Oracle (BD, SQLs, REPORTs), HTML, JSpring, JSP, JavaScript, tools to management scholarships and grants.

Since 2009 I work in the Centro de Astrobiología-CAB-INTA, developed in Java, tools from the MADrid Data Cube Analysis (MADCUBA) package for the manipulation and reduction of data cubes in the spectral and spatial domain using the ImageJ plugin language, for the analysis of molecular emission under local thermodynamic unbalance conditions of simple and cube spectra, including the refactoring and optimization of the “performances” of the code of the tools and plugins developed.


