MOURA magnetometer for Mars MetNet Precursor Mission. Its potential for an in situ magnetic environment and surface characterization

Marina Díaz Michelena, Ruy Sanz González, Ana Belén Fernández, Víctor de Manuel, Miguel Felipe Cerdán, Víctor Apéstigue, Ignacio Arruego Rodríguez, Joaquín Azcue, José Angel Domínguez Pérez, Miguel González Andrés, Héctor Guerrero Padrón, Dolores Sabau Graziati, Rolf Kilian, Óscar J. Baeza Viñes, Francisco Ríos, Miguel Herraiz Sarachaga, Luis Vázquez, José Manuel Tordesillas, Pablo Covisa, José Aguado. 2016. MOURA magnetometer for Mars MetNet Precursor Mission. Its potential for an in situ magnetic environment and surface characterization. Física de la Tierra 28, 65-82, DOI: 10.5209/rev_FITE.2016.v28.53897

MOURA magnetometer and gradiometer is part of the scientific instrumentation for Mars MetNet Precursor mission. This work describes the objective of the investigation, summarizes the work done in the design and development of the sensor as well as its calibration, and shows the demonstration campaigns to show the potential of such instrument for planetary landers and rovers.

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