Previous releases

Previous releases

For the version 2.x to 3.0 It's necessary to download ImageJ (see MADCUBAIJ Installation guide VERSIONS 3.0 or 2.x)

You can download the ImageJ from download site.

  • Version 2.1 (17/05/2010)

  • Version 2.2 (17/10/2010)

  • Version 2.3 (17/11/2010)

  • Version 2.4 (02/03/2011)

  • Version 3.0 (19/11/2011)

  • Version 3.1 (02/03/2012)

  • Version 3.3 (12/11/2012)

The SLIM products generated with versions starting with (8.) are not compatible with earlier versions.

  • Version 8.1 (17/02/2021). The product SLIM in this version, it is not compatible with before versions

  • Version 8.2 (2021-03-03). The product SLIM in this version, it is not compatible with before versions

  • Version 8.3 (2022-03-15). The product SLIM in this version, it is not compatible with before versions

The SLIM products generated with versions starting with (9.) are not compatible with earlier versions.

  • Version 9.3. (2023-04-11, 2023-05-26)
    • MADCUBA_IJ "lite version" without line catalog, version 9.3) (123 MB) (For Linux , 2023-04-11) (For Mac, 2023-05-26) (For Windows, 2023-04-11)

The SLIM products generated with versions starting with (10.) are not compatible with earlier versions.

  • Version 10.1 (2024-02-06).