- 53. J.R. Pardo
"The Submillimeter Atmosphere at Antarctica"
(Oral presentation)
ARENA Workshop on "Spectroscopy on Dome C: From UV to sub-millimetric wavelengths",
Granada (Spain), April 16-18, 2008
- 52. J.R. Pardo
"Transfert de Rayonnement: État de l'art, enjeux et limites dans le domaine microonde"
(Invited oral presentation)
Atélier TRATTORIA'08,
Fontainebleau (France), April 2-3, 2008
- 51. J.R. Pardo, E. Serabyn, M.C. Wiedner, J. Cernicharo
"Atmospheric opacity and phase delay at sub-millimeter wavelengths"
Microrad 2008,
Florence (Italy), March 10-14, 2008
- 50. E. Defer, C. Prigent, F. Aires, J. Chaboureau, J.P. Pinty,
J.R. Pardo
"Use of millimeter and sub-millimeter wavelengths to retrieve cloud/rain information in tropical systems"
Microrad 2008,
Florence (Italy), March 10-14, 2008
- 49. E. Defer, C. Prigent, A. De Lima, C. Pearl, B. Rossow, J.R. Pardo, J.P. Pinty,
"Analysis of the radiometric signal in clouds based on multi-sensor TRMM observations"
(Oral presentation)
Microrad 2008,
Florence (Italy), March 10-14, 2008
- 48. J.R. Pardo
"A review of the Atmospheric Transmission at Microwaves (ATM) model"
(invited oral presentation)
ARENA Workshop on "Site Testing at Dome C",
Tor Vergata (Italy), June 11-13, 2007
- 47. J.R. Pardo
"Atmospheric opacity in the THz domain and its impact for laboratory developments"
(invited oral presentation)
"4emes Journées Terahertz",
Bonbannes (France), May 29 - June 1, 2007
- 46. J.R. Pardo
"Line Surveys in Evolved Stars and their global analysis"
(invited oral presentation and publication: Proceedings (Lemaire and Combes, eds.)
"International Astrophysics and Astrochemistry Meeting -- Molecules in Space and Laboratory",
Paris (France), May 14-18, 2007
- 45. J.R. Pardo
"Spectroscopy in space: the case of CRL 618"
(invited oral presentation)
"Molecular databases for Herschel, ALMA and SOFIA",
Leiden (Netherlands), December 6-8, 2006
- 44. V. Bujarrabal, J.R. Pardo,
"Molecules in nebulae around post-AGB stars"
(oral presentation and publication: Baltic Astronomy, Vol. 16, pp. 126-133, 2007)
"Evolution and chemistry of symbiotic stars, binary post-AGB and related objects",
Wierzba (Poland), August 28-30, 2006
- 43. J.R. Pardo
"Millimeterwave Survey of the Protoplanetary Nebula CRL 618 and complete model"
(oral presentation and publication: Baltic Astronomy, Vol. 16, pp. 123-125, 2007)
"Evolution and chemistry of symbiotic stars, binary post-AGB and related objects",
Wierzba (Poland), August 28-30, 2006
- 42. J.R. Pardo
"Carbon Chemistry in AGB and Post-AGB objects: The case of CRL 618"
(invited oral presentation)
19th University College London Cumberland Lodge Meeting 2006 – Astrobiology,
Windsor (U.K), July 10-13, 2006
- 41. A. Stirling, J. Richer, R. Hills, J.R. Pardo,
"Phase Correction for ALMA" (oral presentation and publication)
2006SPIE.6267E..63S SPIE--The International Society for Optical Engineering, Orlando, (Florida), May 24-31, 2006
- 40. J.R. Pardo, E. Serabyn, J. Cernicharo, M. Wiedner
" Atmospheric Opacity above 1 THz: Evaluation for the ALMA Site and for Laboratory Developments" (poster)
17th International Symposium on Space Terahertz Technology, Paris, (France), May 10-12, 2006
- 39. J.R. Pardo, J. Cernicharo
"Molecular Line Survey of CRL 618 from 80 to 276 GHz and complete model" (poster)
IAU Symposium 234: "Planetary Nebulae in our Galaxy and Beyond", Kona, (Hawaii), April 3-7, 2006
- 38. J.R. Pardo, J. Cernicharo
High Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy Meeting, Salamanca, (Spain), September, 2005
- 37. J.R. Pardo, J. Cernicharo
"Molecular Line Survey of CRL 618 from 80 to 276 GHz and complete model."
IAU Symposium 231: Astrochemistry: Recent successes and current challenges, Asilomar, (California), September, 2005
- 36. J.R. Pardo, E. Serabyn and M.C. Wiedner
"Measured telluric continuum-like opacity beyond 1 THz"
European Geophysical Union General Assembly, Vienna, (Austria), April 24-29, 2005
- 35. C. Prigent, E. Defer, J.R. Pardo, W. Rossow, J.-P- Pinty,
"Analysis of te polarized scattering signatures observed by the TRMM Microwave Instrument in relation with
the electrical processes in cloud systems"
European Geophysical Union General Assembly, Vienna, (Austria), April 24-29, 2005
- 34. C. Prigent, I. Meirold-Mautner, F. Aires, J.P. Chaboureau, J.R. Pardo,
"Potential of millimeter wave observations for precipitation estimates: analysis of simulated
brightness temperatures derived form a mesoscale cloud model"
European Geophysical Union General Assembly, Vienna, (Austria), April 24-29, 2005
- 33. J.R. Pardo.
"Broadband submillimeter measurements of
planetary brightness temperatures"
Herschel Calibration Workshop, Leiden, (Netherlands), December 2004
- 32. J.R. Pardo.
"Atmospheric effects in the submillimeter: Recent
developments and open problems"
Towards large submillimetre dishes:science drivers and
technical challenges, Edinburgh, (Scotland), October 2004
- 31. J.R. Pardo.
"Atmospheric Radiative Transfer"
Atelier Greta - Observatoire de Paris-Meudon, Meudon, (France), April 2004
- 30. J.R. Pardo, J. Cernicharo,
and J.R. Goicoechea.
"The Millimeter Spectrum of CRL618 and Related Studies on Physical Conditions"
Ohio State University International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy.
Columbus, (Ohio), Julio 2004
- 29. J.R. Pardo, E. Serabyn,
M. C. Wiedner, and J. Cernicharo.
"Atmospheric continuum-like absorption evaluation from accurate graound-based FTS measurements in the 1000-200 micron range"
International Workshop on Critical Evaluation of mm-/submm-wave
Spectroscopic Data for Atmospheric Observations.
Proceedings, p. 48. University of Ibaraki, Mito (Japan), 2004
- 28. Pagani, L.; Apponi, A.; Bacmann, A.;
Cambresy, L.; Fich, M.; Lagache, G.; Miville-Deschenes, M.-A.; Motte, F.; J.R. Pardo.
"L183 (L134N), dust, gas and depletion"
Semaine de l'Astrophysique Française, Eds.: F. Combes, D. Barret and
T. Contini. EdP-Sciences, Conference Series. Bordeaux (France), 2003
- 27. Despois, D.; Ricaud, P.; Schneider, N.;
Urban, J.; Lautie, N.; Selsis, F.; Biver, N.; Crovisier, J.; Lis, D.; Chamberlin, R.; Phillips,
T.; Motte, F.; J.R. Pardo; Miller, M.; Jenniskens, P.
"Radiospectroscopical search for molecule delivery and induced chemistry
in the Earth atmosphere during the Leonids meteor shower"
Semaine de l'Astrophysique Française, Eds.: F. Combes, D. Barret and
T. Contini. EdP-Sciences, Conference Series. Bordeaux (France), 2003
- 26. J.R. Pardo.
"Atmospheric Absoprtion"
3rd IRAM Millimeter Interferometry Summer School. Grenoble (France), 2002
- 25. L. Pagani,
J.R. Pardo, M. Fich, F. Motte, and B. Stepnik
"L134N revisited"
"Chemistry as a Diagnostic of Star Formation", . Waterloo (Canada), 2002
- 24. L. Pagani,
J.R. Pardo, M. Fich, F. Motte, and B. Stepnik
"L134N revisited"
"Infrared and Submillimeter Space Astronomy", in the memory of Guy Serra.
EAS Series, Vol. 4, EdP Sciences, Les Ulis, p. 145 . Toulouse (France), 2002
- 23.
J.R. Pardo, P.J. Encrenaz and D. Breton
"Utilization of the radiofrequency spectrum above 1 GHz by passive services"
IAU Symposium "Preserving the Astronomical Sky", Vol: 196, 255-263 . Viena (Austria), 2001
- 22.
J.R. Pardo, E. Serabyn and J. Cernicharo
"El espectro submilimétrico de la Atmósfera medido con espectroscopía de transformada de Fourier"
IX Congreso nacional de teledetección. Lleida (Spain), 2001
- 21.
J.R. Pardo and E. Serabyn.
procedures for planetary and atmospheric measurements
with a mm/submm FTS,"
FTS/ORS Meeting. Coeur d'Alene Resort (Idaho), Feb.
5-8, 2001
- 20.
E. Serabyn and J.R. Pardo.
and atmospheric fourier transform
spectroscopy at submillimeter wavelengths"
FTS/ORS Meeting. Coeur d'Alene Resort (Idaho), Feb.
5-8, 2001
- 19. M. Wiedner, R.E. Hills and J.R. Pardo.
"183GHz Water Vapour Monitors"
IAU Technical Workshop - Astronomical Site
Evaluation in the Visible and Radio Range. ESP Conference Series vol. 266, eds J. Vernin, Z. Benkhaldoun and C. Munoz-Tunon. Marrakech (Marruecos), 2000
- 18. E. Serabyn and J.R. Pardo.
"FTS Measurements of Longwave Quasi-continuum
Atmospheric Opacity Terms"
IAU Technical Workshop - Astronomical Site
Evaluation in the Visible and Radio Range. ESP Conference Series vol. 266, eds J. Vernin, Z. Benkhaldoun and C. Munoz-Tunon. Marrakech (Marruecos), 2000
- 17. J.R. Pardo. J. Cernicharo, E. Serabyn
"Modeling the Atmospheric Longwave Spectrum:
State of the Art in the Horizon of ALMA"
IAU Technical Workshop - Astronomical Site
Evaluation in the Visible and Radio Range. ESP Conference Series vol. 266, eds J. Vernin, Z. Benkhaldoun and C. Munoz-Tunon. Marrakech (Marruecos), 2000
- 16. J.R. Pardo.
"Atmospheric Absorption"
2nd IRAM Millimeter Interferometry Summer School,
ISBN: 2-9516869 Págs. 117-136 Editor: A. Dutrey. Grenoble (France), 2000
- 15.
E. Serabyn and J.R. Pardo.
submillimeter measurements of the absolute
brightness temperature of Saturn"
DPS Planetary Conference. Pasadena (California), Oct. 2000.
- 14.
S. Matsushita, H. Matsuo, A. Sakamoto, and J.R. Pardo.
"FTS measurements of submillimeter opacity and other site
testing at Pampa la Bola"
Proc. SPIE. Munchen (Germany), 2000.
- 13.
J.R. Pardo, P. Encrenaz, D. Breton
"Utilization fo the radiofrequency spectrum above 1 GHz by passive services"
IAU Symposium on "Preserving the Astronomical Sky", Astronomical Society of the Pacific,
San Francisco, ISBN: 1583810781 9781583810781, Vol: 196, pp. 255-263. Vienna (Austria), July 12-16 (1999).
- 12.
D. Maier, N. Kampfer, W. Amacher, M. Wuthrich,
J. de la Noe, P. Ricaud, P. Baron, G. Beaudin, C. Viguerie,
J.R. Pardo, J.D. Gallego, A. Barcia, J. Cernicharo,
B. Ellison, R. Siddans, D. Matheson, K. Kunzi, U. Klein, B. Franke,
J. Louhi, J. Mallat, M. Gustaffsson, A. Raisanen, and A. Karpov.
"EMCOR: A new radiometer for the measurement of minor
constituents in the frequency range of 201 to 210 GHz"
6th Specialist Meeting on Microwave Radiometry and
Remote Sensing of the environment. Florence (Italy), 1999.
- 11.
J.R. Pardo, C. Prigent, W. Rossow and M. Mishchenko.
"Polarized Scattering of microwaves in convective clouds:
SSM/I observations and radiative transfer simulations"
6th Specialist Meeting on Microwave Radiometry and
Remote Sensing of the environment. Florence (Italy), 1999.
- 10. Forget, F.,
S. Gulkis, M. Allen, G. Beaudin, E. Chassefière,
R. T. Clancy,
P. Drossart, T. Encrenaz, M. Frerking, M. Gheudin, P. Hartogh, F.Hourdin,
M. Janssen, C. Jarchow, E. Lellouch, S. R. Lewis, W. Markiewicz,
F. Mathiot,
J.R. Pardo, A. L. Riley, P. L. Read, P. Ricaud, F.Billebaud, and O. Talagrand.
"The Kelvin/MIMAS Microsatellite project: The case for
microwave sounding of the Martian atmosphere"
Mars Exploration Program and Sample Return Missions Meeting .
Paris (France), 1999.
- 9. J.R. Pardo, E. Serabyn.
"Analysis of FTS atmospheric measurements at Mauna Kea and
implications on atmospheric radiative transfer modeling"
National Radio Science Meeting.
Boulder (Co, USA), 1999.
- 8. A. Deschamps,
P. Encrenaz, P. Febvre, H.G. Floren, S. George,
B. Lecomte, B. Ljung, L.
Nordh, G. Olofsson, L. Pagani, J. R. Pardo, I. Peron,
M. Sjokvist, K.Stegner, L. Stenmark, J. Tauber, and C. Ullberg.
"Results of the PIROG-8 balloon flight with an embarked
experiment based on a 425/441 GHz SIS receiver for O2 search"
Proceedings of the Ninth International
Symposium on Space Terahertz Technology, ,
Pasadena, CA, pp. 253-261, 17-19 March 1998.
- 7. A. Deschamps,
P. Encrenaz, P. Febvre, H.G. Floren, S. George,
B. Lecomte, B. Ljung, L.
Nordh, G. Olofsson, L. Pagani, J. R. Pardo, I. Peron,
M. Sjokvist, K. Stegner, L. Stenmark, J. Tauber, and C. Ullberg.
"A balloon experiment searching for the 425 GHz O2 line
with an SIS receiver"
Proceedings of the 2nd ESA Workshop on Millimetre,
Wave Technology and Applications,
Espoo, Finland, pp. 37-42, 27- 29 May 1998.
- 6. L. Pagani,
P. Maréchal, W.D. Langer, A. Castets,
G. Olofsson, J. Tauber,
J. R. Pardo, and P. Febvre.
"O2 search in the Milky Way : new upper limits from
ground (POM 2) and balloon-borne (PIROG 8) experiments"
Proceedings of the 3rd Zermatt-Cologne conference,
"The Physics and Chemistry of the Interstellar Molecular Clouds",
Zermatt (Switzerland), 1998.
- 5. J. R. Pardo,
M. Gerin, C. Prigent, J. Cernicharo,
G. Rochard,
and P. Brunel.
"Remote Sensing of the Mesospheric Temperature Profile
from close-to-nadir Observations: Discussion about the
Capabilities of the 57.5-62.5 GHz Frequency Band."
9th TOVS conference, Igls (Austria), 1997.
- 4. J. R. Pardo,
M. Gerin, and J. Cernicharo.
"Temperature Retrievals in the Mesosphere by means of
O2 Spectroscopic Observations in Limb-Sounding Geometry"
PIERS'96, Innsbruck (Austria), (1996).
URSI'96 General Ass., Lille (France), 1996.
- 3. J. R. Pardo,
J. Alcolea and V. Bujarrabal.
"La campagne d'observations de la variabilité des
Masers SiO (J=1-0) dans des étoiles évoluées
au Centro Astronómico de Yebes"
Rencontres de travail MIRAS, Montpellier (France), 1996.
- 2. J. R. Pardo,
C. Prigent, S. English and P. Brunel.
"Comparison of Direct Radiative Transfer Models in the
60 GHz O2 band with SSM/T-1 and MSU observations"
8th TOVS conference, Auckland (New Zeeland), 1995.
- 1. J. R. Pardo,
J. Cernicharo, E. Lellouch and Th. Encrenaz.
"Ground-Based Observations of Stratospheric and
Mesospheric Water Vapor at 183 GHz"
IGARSS'95, Florence (Italy), 1995.