The science images, exposure maps and CWL (central wavelength) frames for the 2 SHARDS pointings covering the GOODS-N region can be found below. Links to merged photometric catalogs are also given.
Science images are aligned to the same WCS and have the same size, so they are comparable pixel by pixel. Reduction steps and calibration methods are described in Pérez-González et al. (2013). The typical absolute photometric uncertainty is 0.05 mag. The science images have been "flattened", so the whole image has the same zeropoint, as in regular images (but SHARDS images are not regular ones, see Pérez-González et al. 2012), although the photometric calibration depended on the position along the FOV due to the special characteristics of OSIRIS.
Catalogs have been built by merging the lists of sources detected in individual images, and also adding sources detected in CANDELS F160W data. Then, we forced measurements at all bands. A single file for each band is given, but all the bands count with the same number of objects and the different catalog files are comparable line by line. Each file gives the following fields: source ID, coordinates, XY positions, position angle of the best photometric aperture (the one used for mag_auto), aperture size in pixels, A_IMAGE parameter in pixels, Kron radius, ellipticity, FWHM, stellarity, photometric flag (all the previous parameters are given by sextractor and averaged through all detections), mag_auto (measured in consistent apertures in all images), uncertainty (taking into account correlated noise but not the absolute photometric uncertainty), background in counts, rms of the sky in counts, aperture magnitudes jointly with the errors and radii (in arcsec) of each aperture (11 different apertures have been considered), coverage at source position (number of frames), central wavelength and width of the filter seen by the galaxy, and image used for measurements. All magnitudes are AB.
Some spurious sources in the edges have been removed, but the catalog may still present false detections and ghosts around bright stars.