Estallidos_logo XIII Estallidos Workshop

    Welcome to XIII Estallidos Workshop
    Centro de Física “Miguel Antonio Catalán”
    c/Serrano 121, CSIC, Madrid, 18 to 20 May 2022

    This is the XIII Workshop of the group, in this case under the project ESTALLIDOS 7.0: Starburst along the life of the Universe

    During this workshop, we will review the state of our project in terms of scientific results and methodologies, and then discuss the potential of current and forthcoming works, instruments and surveys to explore new avenues of research in the immediate future.


    The programme will be divided into several sessions according your contributions:

    1. Star formation at high z
    2. Nebular diagnostics
    3. Star formation throughout the history of the Universe
    4. Chemical Evolution
    5. The interstellar medium and its relation with star formation
    6. SN and Surveys
    7. Instrumentation, methods and tools

    We hope see you in Madrid (in 3D or in 2D, but see you any case)


       Mercedes Mollá
       Miguel Cerviño
       J. Miguel Mas-Hesse
       Yago Ascasibar
       Ángeles I. Díaz
       José M. Vílchez
       Enrique Pérez Montero
       Jorge Iglesias Páramo
       Casiana Muñoz Tuñón
       Jorge Sánchez Almeida

       Miguel Cerviño
       Mercedes Mollá
       J. Miguel Mas-Hesse

    For any question please, send a mail to mcs at CAB e-mail: