Gamma-ray lines
In collaboration with: Jürgen Knödlseder, Daniel Schaerer, Peter von Ballmoos and Geoges Meynet
Please, refer any use of this server as:
Cerviño et al. 2000, A&A 363, 970 (
welcome to the CMHK's result for Gamma-ray lines.
Here we show the output files from the models used in Cerviño et al. (2000) paper about 26Al and 60Fe.:
The data files contains:
Age in Myrs
log NHlyc: log of the number of Q(H0) photons s-1 Mo-1
log NHelyc: log of the number of Q(He0) photons s-1 Mo-1
# O, # WR, # WN, # WC, # RSG, # SN: Number of different types of stars in Mo-1
M_0: Initial mass of the most massive star in the cluster.
M_t: Current mass of the most massive star in the cluster.
26Al*tot, 26Al*, 26Alwr, 26AlSnI, 26AlSNII, 26AlSN, 26Al:
Masses of 26Al emitted by all stars, non-WR stars, WR, SN I,
SN II, all SN, and stars+SN in units of MoAl Myr-1 Mo-1. It corresponds to ydot26 in the paper.
60FeSnI, 60FeSNII, 60Fe:
Masses of 60Fe emitted by SN I, SN II, and all SN in units of MoFe Myr-1 Mo-1. It corresponds to ydot60 in the paper.
26Aldec, Fe60dec: Emissivities (decay reates, Ydot in the paper, related with the flux of the line) of 26Al and 60Fe in Mo Myr-1 Mo-1.
For use it you must multiply the output by the ammount of gas transformed in stars, and you must take into account that:
The models assume a Salpeter IMF slope in the mass range 2 - 120 Mo,
so the multiply factor is the ammount of gas transformed in stars in this mass range.
The output has been normalized to:
Instantaneous Burst (IB) case:
The amount of gas transformed in stars
since the onset of the burst
(click here to get the IB table)
The amount of gas transformed in stars
since the onset of the burst:
If you have a CSFR
of 1Mo/yr and the burst have an age of 20Myrs, you must multiply by
1Mo/yr x 20 106Myrs = 2 107Mo.
If you do not know the age, multiply each observable by
the age (collumn 1). The resulting table is then normalized by
a CSFR = 1Mo/Myr. The final ages must show a constant value with time
and you can use it (assuming that it is an equilibrium value).