HIFI Spectrum of Water and Organics in the Orion Nebula. Copyright: ESA, HEXOS and the HIFI Consortium. E. Bergin

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14/6/2010: First announcement released


6/10/2010: Second announcement released


12/01/2011: Instructions for the Proceedings


09/02/2011: Last and important news


16/02/2011: Registration is closed


the molecular universe

(iau symposium 280)


May 30 - June 3, 2011

Toledo (Spain)


Abstract submission


The deadline for submitting abstracts is February 15, 2011. However we suggest that a preliminary version is sent as soon as possible, to help preparing the contributed part of the scientific program.

Already submitted?

If you already submitted your abstract and want do display or update it you may do it from here

New submission

To submit your abstract please fill in the form below. Once you have filled it, click on the submit button.

Abstract Submission
Email The email address of the presenting (first) author of the presentation.
Title The title of the presentation. Please strive to make the title concise and descriptive.
Authors List of all authors. Please list one author per line. The presenting author must be listed first. For each author include first and last name and institution in the format: Albert Einstein, Princeton University
Special characters can be written in TeX.
Abstract The abstract in ASCII characters (limited to 2400 characters, including spaces). Special formatting for mathematical items may be done in LaTeX.
Abstract figure You may upload one figure in PNG/JPEG format to complete your abstract. Maximum allowed size: 1 Mbyte.
  Please choose an image to upload:
  Please enter the caption of the figure:
Requested Presentation Type The type of presentation you wish to give. The assignment of oral presentations is decided by the SOC. Please be aware that there is only a very limited number of slots for contributed oral presentations, besides the invited talks.

You have to fill the following box with the words that you see depicted. This is a security filter to prevent spam and robots registering to the Symposium. If you cannot recognize the characters displayed you can ask for a new challenge by clicking on the reload button in the box below. We are sorry for the inconvenience.



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