HIFI Spectrum of Water and Organics in the Orion Nebula. Copyright: ESA, HEXOS and the HIFI Consortium. E. Bergin

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14/6/2010: First announcement released


6/10/2010: Second announcement released


12/01/2011: Instructions for the Proceedings


09/02/2011: Last and important news


16/02/2011: Registration is closed


the molecular universe

(iau symposium 280)


May 30 - June 3, 2011

Toledo (Spain)



The Organizing Committee has booked more than 300 rooms in 6 different hotels under a special rate for the REGISTERED participants (those who have paid for the registration fee in due time). The hotels are: Beatriz Toledo, Hilton Buenavista, Cardenal, Puerta de Bisagra, María Cristina and Mayoral (these four latter ones located near the historical center of Toledo). More information about the location of these hotels and many other services can be found at the bottom of this page by clicking on the interactive map. All the hotels will keep the special rates for registered participants until either no vacancies are available or other events take place, given that the closing dates are over for most of them.

Hotel Beatriz Toledo Auditorium & Spa

The Organizing Committee has booked 200 rooms at the Hotel Beatriz Toledo Auditorium & Spa. This reservation covers the following check-in and check-out dates: from May 29th, 2011 till June 5th, 2011.

Once you have paid for the registration fee, please proceed to fill in the Hotel Beatriz booking form and follow the instructions given in the document.

Hotel Hilton Buenavista Toledo

The Organizing Committee has booked 55 rooms at the Hotel Hilton Buenavista Toledo.

Once you have paid for the registration fee, please proceed to fill in the Hotel Hilton booking form and follow the instructions given in the document.

Hotel del Cardenal

There are 20 double for single use (DSU)/single use(SU) rooms available at the Hotel del Cardenal between May 30th and June 5th. No closing date for booking has been provided by the hotel, though reservations should be made as soon as possible.

Once you have paid for the registration fee, please proceed to fill in the Hotel del Cardenal booking form and follow the instructions given in the document.


There are 25 rooms available at very low rates at the Hostal Puerta Bisagra until February 20th, 2011.

Once you have paid for the registration fee, please proceed to fill in the Hostal Puerta Bisagra form and follow the instructions given in the document.

Hotels María Cristina and Mayoral

Neither deadline for booking nor available rooms have been provided by these hotels . However, special rates for the registered participants are available (between 55 EUR and 65EUR, breakfast and VAT included).

Once you have paid for the registration fee, please proceed to fill in the Maria Cristina and Mayoral booking forms and follow the instructions given in the document.

Other hotels and hostals in Toledo

Several hotels and hostals can be found at a distance of one mile from the conference location. Nearly all of them are located in the historical center of the city. Again, please refer to the following interactive map for these lodgings. Key information (estimated rate, webpage address and phone) can be accessed by clicking the items on the left panel or directly onto the interactive map.

A complete list of hotels and hostals can be found at the Toledo Turismo official site.



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