HIFI Spectrum of Water and Organics in the Orion Nebula. Copyright: ESA, HEXOS and the HIFI Consortium. E. Bergin

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14/6/2010: First announcement released


6/10/2010: Second announcement released


12/01/2011: Instructions for the Proceedings


09/02/2011: Last and important news


16/02/2011: Registration is closed


the molecular universe

(iau symposium 280)


May 30 - June 3, 2011

Toledo (Spain)


Important information on the registration procedure for IAU meeting "The Molecular Universe".

Dear participant at the IAU Symposium,

We are pleased to inform you that the number of pre-registered people to the IAU280 meeting "The Molecular Universe" is now reaching the upper limit allowed by local logistics.

The web site will remain open for registration, under the standard registration fee, 360 Euros, until the maximum possible number (380) of fully registered participants (those who have made the payment of the fee) will be reached.

We remind you that the "registration fee" includes:

  • daily lunches
  • coffee breaks
  • welcome cocktail
  • conference proceedings book
  • conference bag
  • conference dinner
  • two tapas/poster sessions
  • local transportation between the Hotels and the conference site
  • transportation from the conference site to Madrid Airport on June 3rd


We foresee to reach the limit of 380 fully registered people by the end of February. After this limit will be reached, the full registering process (including the procedure for acceptance of payments) will be closed.

At that moment, people in the pre-registration list who have not fulfilled the payment will enter in a waiting-list that will be ordered according to the pre-registration dates. When a registration vacancy is made available, the first candidate in the waiting list will be notified and, if he/she accepts to complete the registration, he/she will have one week to pay through bank transfer. A copy of the bank transfer receipt will be sent by email to the LOC.

The waiting list will be closed by April 15th.


We insist about the need of booking your accommodation as soon as possible (two additional hotels, MarĂ­a Cristina and Mayoral, are being made available and the booking forms are to be displayed at the accommodation section of the Conference web site).


Several participants have requested a nursery service. We have found that some Hotels offer a babysitter service at rates oscillating between 10 and 25 Euros/hour. The LOC is willing to assist the participants for contracting this kind of service with the Hotels, but indeed the LOC can not endorse any responsibility derived from this direct contract between Hotel and participant.

With our best regards, The LOC



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