CHEOPS Science Workshop #3, June 17-19, 2015. Madrid, SPAIN
CHEOPS Science Workshop #3
The CHEOPS Science Workshop #3 has brought together a large community of researchers interested in the preparation and exploitation of the CHEOPS mission. The meeting was open to anyone. CHEOPS will be the first mission dedicated to search for transits by means of ultrahigh precision photometry on bright stars already known to host planets. The launch is planned in late 2017. Participants presented contributed talks on all scientific aspects relevant for CHEOPS including synergies with other facilities. The workshop was held in central Madrid, Spain, in June 17-19, 2015, very close to cultural heart of the city, at the headquarters of the Spanish Centre for Industrial Technological Development (CDTI). The program included invited talks and oral contributions. The pdf files with the presnetations are included. The meeting was organized by the Center of Astrobiology (CAB, INTA-CSIC), in collaboration with the CDTI, the IAC (Tenerife) and the IEEC (Barcelona).
SOC: D. Queloz (chair); D. Ehrenreich; D. Barrado on behalf of the CHEOPS Sciente Team
LOC: D. Barrado (chair), J. Lillo-Box, M. Morales, E. Pallé, I. Ribas, R. Alonso, N. Huélamo, H. Bouy, F. Galindo.
The CHEOPS Mission & Science, D. Ehrenreich
The CHEOPS instrument and performance, A. Fortier
Session 1: Targets for CHEOPS
The TESS mission, Z. Berta-Thompson
CHEOPS observations of TESS planets, I. Ribas
The CHEOPS-K2 synergies, E. Pallé
The CARMENES survey as a source for CHEOPS targets, E. Günther
The NGTS survey for transiting Neptunes and super-Earths, D. Bayliss
Detecting transits and phase variations of long-period exoplanets with CHEOPS, S. Kane
The CHEOPS-GAIA synergy, V. Nascimbeni
Lessons from MOST, D. Dragomir
Characterising exoplanet atmopsheres with CHEOPS, B.-O. Demory
Preliminary results of exoplanetary transit observations with Wide-FastCam, D. Ricci
Session 2: Stellar properties and planetary interiors
Investigating the correlation between the host star chromospheric emission and the surface gravity of hot-Jupiters, L. Fossati
The physical link between simultaneous photometry and radial-velocity observations: Application to the CoRoT-7 system, M. Oshagh
The impact of limb-darkening on our knowledge of planetary interiors, J. Cabrera
Breaking the compositional degeneracy in the a-M-R-t plane: the ice mass fraction of close-in low-mass planets, revealed, C. Mordasini
Session 3: Architecture and dynamics of planetary systems
Theoretical investigations of exomoons, V. Dobos
Planetary system architectures and hot Jupiter formation, M. Davies
Tidal distortions and hidden neightbours of known planets with CHEOPS, J. Lillo-Box
Expanding the CHEOPS discovery parameter space through the TTVs, L. Borsato
Lessons from COROT, M. Ollivier
The obliquities of the planetary systems detected with CHEOPS, G. Hébrard
Collisional Crafting of Compact Planetary Systems, A. Mustill
Toward a rigorous framework for radial velocities computations, J. Laskar
The BRITE constellation, L. Fossati
Ageing of a space-based CCD: photometric performance development of the low Earth orbiting detectors of the CoRoT mission, R. Alonso
Session 4: Atmospheres of CHEOPS planets
Characterization of CHEOPS planets with JWST, P. Ferruit
Reflected light spectroscopy of exoplanets: the case of 51 Peg b, N. C. Santos
Multicolor photometry as a tool to investigate exoplanet structures and atmospheres, I. Juvan
Evaporating atmospheres: from hot-Jupiters to super-Earths, V. Bourrier
Steps towards the interpretation of exoplanet phase curves, A. García Muñoz
GTC OSIRIS transmission spectroscopy observations of the Qatar-1b exoplanet, S. Hoyer
A non-isothermal theory for interpreting sodium lines in exoplanetary atmospheres, K. Heng
THOR: an open-source climate solver for exoplanetary and planetary atmospheres, L. Grosheintz
All contributions in one tar file
All contributions in one gzipped tar file
Roberto's pictures, gzipped file