Spontaneous mirror symmetry breaking in heterocatalytically coupled enantioselective replicators

Ribo, J. M., Crusats, J., El Hachemi, Z., Moyano, A., Hocheberg, D. 2017. Spontaneous mirror symmetry breaking in heterocatalytically coupled enantioselective replicators. Chemical Science 8, 1, 763-769, DOI: 10.1039/c6sc02446g

Chiral hypercycle replicators (first-order autocatalysis together with mutual cross-catalysis) formed from achiral or racemizing resources may lead to spontaneous mirror symmetry breaking (SMSB) without the need for additional heterochiral inhibition reactions, such as those of the Frank-like models, which are an obstacle for the emergence of evolutionary selection properties. The results indicate that the chemical models for the emergence of primordial autocatalytic self-reproducing systems, of and by themselves, can also explain naturally the emergence of biological homochirality.

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