Science Nuggets
Los Science Nuggets o Píldoras de Ciencia son diapositivas en pdf proporcionadas por los investigadores del CAB para destacar actividades en misiones o resultados científicos importantes. Se basan en trabajos que se han publicado en revistas de primer cuartil con revisión por pares, a partir de 2019.
MONOS: Studying family relationships among massive stars
- J. Maíz Apellániz
Accretion and photodesorption of CO ice as a function of the incident angle of deposition
- C. González Díaz
A surface temperature and moisture inter-comparison study of the Weather Research and Forecasting model, in-situ measurements and satellite observations over the Atacama Desert
- A. Azua-Bustos
13CO and 13CO2 ice mixtures with N2 in photon energy transfer studies
- H. Carrascosa
Prebiotic chemistry in neutral/ reduced-alkaline gas-liquid interfaces
- Marta Ruiz-Bermejo
Microbial Biomarker Transition in High-Altitude Sinter Mounds From El Tatio (Chile) Through Different Stages of Hydrothermal Activity
- Laura Sánchez-García