Five-Year Research contracts “Ramón y Cajal” at the Centro de Astrobiología (CAB), INTA-CSIC

CAB will be able to host Ramón y Cajal (RyC) contracts from selected candidates in the 2021 call to work in the field of Astrobiology. We seek for scientists with experience in topics such as: planetary geology, planetary atmospheres and climatology, prebiotic chemistry and first polymers, spectroscopic techniques (Raman, IR) applied to the search for biomarkers, electronics and space optics, microbial system’s biology and bioinformatics, fluidics and microfluidics, or simulation of planetary environments.

RyC scientists will have the opportunity to develop their own lines of research, always in the field of Astrobiology. We have excellent facilities and equipment and a unique transdisciplinary atmosphere.

RyC scientists can be integrated into ongoing projects, some in collaboration with NASA, ESA, and other centers, or create their own new collaborations with other groups.

If interested, please contact us: