Scientific Head Biogeochemistry and Stable Isotopes Laboratory in Planetary Exploration.


B. S (1999) in Marine Biology (Facultad de Ciencias, Montevideo, Uruguay) and Ph.D. (2007) in Environmental Analytical Chemistry, Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña, Spain


  • Tenure track “Ramón y Cajal” contract at CAB 2016-actually.
  • Postdoctoral fellowship: Queen´s University Belfast (UK) 2015-2016; Marie Curie Experienced Researcher, Universidad de Zaragoza (Spain) 2012-2014; Universidad de Evora (Portugal) 2011-2012; Stockholm University (Sweden) 2008-2011; The University of Newcastle (Australia) 2007-2008.
  • Associate professor in Geosciences and Chemistry (PEDECIBA, Uruguay)


2020-2023: Technical operations and scientific exploitation of the ExoMars RLS data, and contribution to the MMX RAX. Funding: MINECO. (645 k€). Participation: co-P.I.

2020-2021: Science and Instrumentation for the study of biogeochemical processes in Mars. Funding: MINECO. (20 k€). Participation: co-P.I. 2017-2020: “Development of the Raman Instrument for ESA’s ExoMars 2020 Mission: Phase D2/E”. Funding: MINECO (907 k€) Participation: P.I. 2018: “Molecular evidences of life in Iceland extreme environments by using geolipids and isotopic forensic tools”. EuroPlanet 16-EPN2-049 (5 k€). Participation: P.I. 2017–2023: “Biomarkers, Stable isotopes and Minerals in Planetary Exploration: a Study case in King Gorge Island, Antarctica”. Funding: Instituto Antártico Uruguayo) (20 €k) Participation: P.I. 2016-2019: “Fingerprints of Life on Mars” lead by N. Cabrol (SETI) (Co-P.I.) Funding: NASA: 5 000 €k. Participation: co-P.I 2016–2021: “Environmental Organic Geochemistry: Compound-Specific Isotope Analysis (CSIC) a New Tool for Source Apportionment of Organic Compounds” MINECO” RYC-2014-16446 (300 k€). Participation: P.I.


– 60 JCR articles

– H index: 23 (Google Scholar), 21 (WOS). – Total citing: 1616 (Google Scholar), 1024 (WOS).

ORCID: 0000-0003-1568-4591


Google Scholar

KeywordsIsotopes, biogeochemistry, extreme environments, biomarkers, compound specific isotope analysis (CSIA), taphonomy.
