Carracedo Carballal, Gonzalo José

PhD student

Supervisors: Javier Piqueras López y Miguel Pereira Santaella

Technical Engineer in Computer Systems by University of A Coruña, Master’s Degree in Mathematical Engineering by University of Santiago de Compostela and Master’s degree in Modelisation and Simulation by École Central Paris, where I specialised myself in numerical simulation of wave propagation.

My professional experience was mainly focused in software engineering (which particular emphasis in low level C/C++ development) and cybersecurity research.

In parallel with my professional duties and during the 2019-2021 period, I coursed the Master’s Degree in Astrophysics by Universidad Complutense de Madrid, whose final project involved the development of HARMONI’s pointing model.

In my spare time, I maintain a radio signal analysis software named SigDigger, which complements my experiments in amateur radioastronomy as amateur radio operator (callsign EA1IYR).

Key wordsSoftware Engineering, C/C++, Astronomical Instrumentation, Integral Field Spectrography, Wave Propagation, Astrophysics
