Neto-lima, J., Fernández Sampedro, M., Prieto Ballesteros, O. 2017. High Pressure Serpentinization Catalysed by Awaruite in Planetary Bodies. Joint 25th AIRAPT / 53rd EHPRG International Conference on High Pressure Science and Technology, DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/950/4/042041
Recent discoveries from planetary missions show that serpentinization process may act significantly on the geological evolution and potential habitability of the icy bodies of the Solar System, like Enceladus or Europa. Here we review the available experimental data so far about methane formation occurring during serpentinization, which is potentially relevant to icy moons, and present our results using awaruite as a catalyst of this process. The efficiency of awaruite and high pressure in the Fischer-Tropsch and Sabatier Type reactions are evaluated here when olivine is incubated.