2024 – 2025

The EAI ACADEMY is an international educational program organised and broadcasted by the Centro de Astrobiología (CAB), CSIC-INTA, Madrid, with the support of the European Astrobiology Institute (EAI). It provides a framework to meet online with the international astrobiology community and to acquire interdisciplinary knowledge through a series of seminars given by experts in these fields. The Academy audience connects from more than 32 countries and all continents, with an average participation of 70 attendees per seminar. Past editions are accesible through the CAB youtube channel (link to 2021-2022, link to 2022-2023, link to 2023-2024).

The EAI Academy program for the academic year 2024-2025 will start this October. The seminars are offered for free and are streamed online via zoom every two weeks on Wednesday from 3:00 to 4:00 PM CET (Madrid time). The talks will be given by world-renowned experts, who answer the questions raised by the public after their talk. All seminars will be recorded for future availability in the CAB youtube channel.

At the end of the academic year, CAB awards a certificate of participation to those who attend a minimum of 10 seminars. In order for us to keep track of the attendance, you will need to enter your name and affiliation in the seminar chat when you enter the room (Zoom).


Dr Sara Seager

Professor of Physics, Professor of Planetary Science. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. October 2, 2024

Venus as Potentially Habitable Planet

For thousands of years, inspired by the star-filled dark night sky, people have wondered what lies beyond Earth. Today, the search for signs of life is a key motivator in modern-day planetary exploration. Scientists have been speculating on Venus as a habitable world for over half a century, not the scorching surface, but the much cooler atmosphere at 48 to 60 km above the surface. The concept is that Venus’ perpetual cloud cover might host life, as Earth’s clouds do. Many different decades-old Venusian atmosphere anomalies support this concept. The Venus clouds, however, are not made of water but are composed of concentrated sulfuric acid—an aggressive chemical that is toxic for Earth life. New lab-based experiments on the stability of nucleic acid bases, amino acids, and dipeptides in concentrated sulfuric acid advance the notion that the Venus atmosphere environment may be able to support complex chemicals needed for life and motivate the astrobiology-focused Morning Star Missions to Venus.

Dr Victoria Muñoz Iglesias

Laboratoire de Planétologie et Géosciences. University of Nantes October 16, 2024

Aqueous chemistry in ocean worlds

Ocean worlds are those planetary bodies that contain or have contained for a long period of time significant amounts of liquid water, either at the surface and/or in the subsurface. In our solar system, besides the Earth, both Ceres and the main icy moons of the outer solar system (OSS) show evidence of fulfilling or having fulfilled this condition. The maintenance of an ocean requires a constant energetic input over time to prevent solidification to ice. In those bodies with a predominantly rocky layer, such as the Earth and to a lesser extent Ceres, this input comes from radioactive decay, in addition to the primordial heat after its formation. However, in the icy moons of the OSS, farther from the Sun, this input comes from the strong tidal forces produced during their orbit around their larger parent planets, i.e., the gas or icy giants. This energetic input also favors other substances (such as gases, salts, and silicates), to be released from the more rocky layers (usually located below the hydrospheres or partially intermixed) and interact with the water molecules. In this talk my intention is to show the aqueous chemistry, and the geological implications, that can take place on the ocean worlds of the OSS. I will show how water chemistry evolves from the interior to the surface due to pressure and temperature changes. The evolution of cryomagmas, according to their initial composition and depending on what they encounter on their way, will give rise to various chemical reactions and precipitation of different minerals. Moreover, when they reach the surface, the radical environmental change causes the cryomagmas to continue to modify themselves chemically and physically. Experimental study and geochemical and geophysical modeling of the various processes that cryomagmas can follow from the interior to the surface serve to infer the interior composition from data taken at the surface during space missions to these planetary bodies.

Dr. Inge Loes ten Kate

Utrecht University

Mars biosignatures: how do we search, where do we search, and what are we searching for

The concept of a biosignature is used to suggest a link between an observation and a biological cause of this observation. To convincingly state that we have detected a biosignature, we need to understand very well the context and environment where we are searching and the potential abiotic causes of the signature. Our long history of Mars exploration has led to a wealth of knowledge that allows us to make well-supported landing site selections in our search for biosignatures. In this talk I will focus on the three aspects related to biosignature detection on Mars: how do we search, where do we search and what are we searching for. With this talk I will sketch the broader context of the search for biosignatures on Mars.

Dr. Melissa McClure

University of Leiden Netherlands

How JWST traces life's cold, icy origins

Volatile elements, like C, H, O, N, and S, are critical to the formation of molecular life on our world and others outside our own solar system. Some of these elements on Earth, e.g. in H2O, appear to have originated as ices in the dense molecular clouds from which stars are born. However, other ices, like CO, may be destroyed during the star and planet formation process. The survival of different simple ices has profound implications for the formation and survival of more complex organic molecules (COMs), which include chemical precursors to bio-molecules that may be important for the formation of life. Complex molecules are abundantly detected in the gas phase of comets, protostars, and molecular clouds, in ratios suggesting a shared origin for these in the densest, coldest molecular clouds from which stars are born. If ices become complex at this stage, then it could jumpstart the formation of life on other planets, as each of the hundreds of star systems that form from these clouds would carry reasonably complex ices in its small rocky bodies, like comets. Several formation pathways for complex ices start in 10 K, CO-rich ices in these cores. However, until recently no COMs more complex than methanol (a simple alcohol) have been detected in astrophysical ices, due to the sensitivity and resolution limitations of previous infrared facilities. The successfully launched James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has revolutionized our ability to trace the chemistry of the elemental building blocks of life (CHONS) as they build up to more complex species. Combining these novel astrophysical observations with experimental, ground-based laboratory spectroscopy, along with innovative astrochemical modeling, gives us the ability to address this complicated question for the first time. I will describe how exciting new results from several Cycle 1 JWST programs are beginning to shed light on whether the origins of life could be universal, and what we should look out for in the years to come.

Dr. Peter M. Higgins

Harvard University

Outer Solar System Bodies: Exploration and Complex Chemistry

Tucked away beneath their icy crusts, moons orbiting the giant planets have subsurface water oceans that could potentially support Earth-like life. Understanding their habitability has now become a central objective for current and future space missions. But what exactly does "habitability" mean, and how can we evaluate it using data from orbiting spacecraft that cannot directly access these hidden oceans? In this seminar, we will demystify the concept of habitability and explore how it is assessed. We will break life's fundamental requirements down into a suite of key physical, geological, and chemical controls. Then, we will discuss how equipment aboard past, present, and future spacecraft help piece together these clues for evaluating habitability, even when the proposed habitats are hidden many kilometres below the surface.

Dr. Zita Martins

University of Lisbon Portugal

Primitive organic matter in the solar system - comets and carbonaceous meteorites

Extraterrestrial bodies such as comets, asteroids, and their fragments (e.g., meteorites) are known to contain carbonaceous matter. These samples are analyzed in-situ through space missions, or on terrestrial analytical laboratories. Comets have several extraterrestrial organic molecules, including the amino acid glycine, which was detected on comet 81P/Wild2 by NASA's Stardust mission. Samples from the asteroid Ryugu have been analyzed by the Hayabusa2 team and indicate the presence of volatile-rich species, while preliminary analysis of the asteroid Bennu, analyzed by the OSIRIS-Rex sample-return mission, indicates the presence of carbonates and organics matter. Carbonaceous chondrites are the most primitive meteorites, as their bulk chemical composition is very similar to that of the solar photosphere, except for the gaseous elements (e.g., H, He). Carbonaceous meteorites contain up to 5wt% of carbon, which is present in different forms, including silicon carbide, graphite, diamonds, carbonate, and organic matter. This last one is composed of solvent-insoluble organic matter (IOM), and of a mixture of solvent-soluble organic compounds (SOM). The analyses of the organic compounds in primitive celestial bodies give a window into the initial solar system condition, in particular into the chemical reactions in the interstellar medium, solar nebula and/or parent body that helped shape the abundances, distribution and isotopic compositions of the extraterrestrial organic compounds.

Dr. Peter Woitke

Space Research Institute (Institut fuer Weltraumforschung, IWF) Austria

Physico-chemical processes in protoplanetary disks as probed by JWST

In this lecture, I will introduce the basic concepts used for the thermo-chemical modelling of protoplanetary disks as the birthplaces of exoplanets, including the vertical and chemical structure of these disks, the dust settling and the fundamental concepts for astro-chemistry and radiative transfer. I will discuss how the layered structure is related to various disk continuum and line observations. Recent JWST observations probe the chemistry in the planet-forming inner disc < 1au, with new, spectacular evidence for a very strong depletion of oxygen in some cases, where the spectra are dominated by hydro-carbon molecules like C2H2, HCN, C6H6, CO2, HC3N, C2H6, C3H4, C4H2, and CH4, and the usual H2O and CO lines are very weak or not detected at all. I will show how the thermo-chemical ProDiMo models can be used to better understand and interpret the new JWST observations.

Dr. Fabian Klenner

University of Washington USA

Exploring Enceladus and Europa - Two Compelling Targets for the Search for Life Beyond Earth

Saturn's moon Enceladus and Jupiter's moon Europa harbor potentially habitable oceans beneath their ice shells. Enceladus, and potentially Europa, emit into space a plume of gas and ice grains sourced from the subsurface ocean water. Analysis of the emitted ice grains by the Cassini spacecraft revealed that Enceladus's ocean is alkaline and interacts with the moon's rocky core, resulting in an ocean that is rich in chemistry, containing salts and a variety of organics. In the 2030s, Europa will be investigated in detail by NASA's Europa Clipper spacecraft. In this lecture, I will first present an overview of Enceladus and Europa. Then, I will talk about the formation of ice grains from the moons' subsurface oceans and how we can search for life on these moons by the analysis of emitted ice grains.

Dr. Mickael Baqué

German Aerospace Center (DLR) Germany

Planetary analogues: field work in extreme environments on Earth to test for habitability and biosignature detection

Our home planet offers a wide variety of environments with very diverse environmental conditions and mineralogical compositions. Some of these are used as planetary analogs to terrestrial planets and moons of our Solar System to test instruments, collect samples, and study life’s adaptations to extreme conditions as well as its traces. The hot dry desert of Atacama, hot springs in cold and wet conditions of the Kerguelen islands, lava caves in the Azores and Iceland, and the more accessible Vulcano island north of Sicily, are examples of terrestrial environments with high astrobiological potential pertaining to the questions of life detection, using spectroscopy techniques, and habitability, looking at microbial colonization. On one hand, these extreme and unique environments inform us on strategies and protocols on how to detect life elsewhere by applying, for example, a combined spectroscopy approach in the field, much like a rover would on another world, and comparing with lab measurements. On the other hand, the microbial communities they host have been the subject of only a few studies and remain largely unknown, representing a reservoir of diversity, functions and innovations, as a key to understanding the primitive life forms on Earth and potential extraterrestrial life forms in analogue environments.

Dr. Eddie Schwieterman

University of California at Riverside USA

Exoplanet Frontiers: The Search for Habitable and Inhabited Worlds

Astrobiology is the study of the “origin, evolution, distribution, and future of life in the universe.” Our only near-term prospect for quantifying the distribution of life outside of our solar system is through remote spectroscopic characterization of exoplanetary atmospheres. The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has recently advanced this cause by offering unprecedented observational data and novel discoveries of photochemical processes in giant planet atmospheres. Suppose some sub-Neptunes maintain habitable environments via the Hycean world paradigm (H2-rich atmospheres over temperate, deep liquid water oceans). In that case, we may be at the precipice of taking our first steps to identify exoplanetary biospheres, though this possibility remains controversial. At the same time, the prospects are somewhat dim for the characterization of truly Earth-like planetary biospheres with JWST, unless we are fortunate with the limited targets available. This talk will review what it takes to identify a habitable and inhabited planet from interstellar distances, how early results from JWST are advancing this objective, and prospects for detecting planetary biosignatures over the near and intermediate-term (i.e., the next 10-20 years). The talk will conclude with a description of NASA’s upcoming Habitable Worlds Observatory (HWO), the first space-based telescope mission specifically designed to search for signs of life on exoplanets.

Dr. Nikku Madhusudhan

University of Cambridge UK

JWST: First results and prospects towards the search for life on exoplanets

Dr. Dominic Papineau

University College London UK 23.04.25

Anaerobic Life

Dr. María-Paz Zorzano

CAB Spain

Martian biomarkers and robotic missions, as seen by Curiosity, Perseverance and the Mars Sample Return mission.

Dr. Matthew Dodd

University of Western Australia Australia 21.05.25

Anaerobic Life

Dr. Yohey Suzuki

University of Tokyo Japan 04.06.25

Anaerobic Life