Víctor Rivilla y Eduardo Cueto ganan el premio al mejor póster virtual 2021 de la EANA

Centro de Astrobiología researchers Víctor Rivilla (Interstellar and Circumstellar Medium Group) and Eduardo Cueto (Prebiotic Chemistry Group) have won the 2021 Poster Award of the European Astrobiology Network Association (EANA) with two posters presenting two articles which also involve other CAB researchers.

The award was presented to the authors on Friday 10 September, by André Brack, chairman of the jury and first President of EANA, and the current President of EANA, Barbara Cavalazzi, during the closing ceremony of the 20th EANA Congress, held from 7 to 10 September 2021.

The winning poster by Victor Rivilla et al. entitled «Discovery in space of ethanolamine, the simplest phospholipid head group», presents a paper that was published in the journal PNAS (https://www.pnas.org/content/118/22/e2101314118) on 1 June 2021.

The winning poster by Eduardo Cueto et al. entitled «CO2 adsorption capacities in amine-functionalized microporous silica nanoparticles» is a forthcoming paper.

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