Bardera Mora, R., Calero, M. L., García Magarino, A. 2018. Aerodynamic effect of the aircraft carrier island on flight deck flow with cross wind. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part M Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment 232, 2, 145-154, DOI: 10.1177/1475090216689172
Regarding the importance of helicopter operations over aircraft carriers and the increment of the workload of the pilot during take-off and landing manoeuvres, it has been performed a study of the flow downstream the island of an aircraft carrier in cross-wind conditions. The main objective of this work is to characterize the aerodynamic flow in that critical area providing insight for future investigations directed to reduce the workload and improve safe operational conditions. Then, a wind tunnel test campaign was carried out using particle image velocimetry and laser Doppler anemometry techniques. Finally, wind tunnel results have been compared with on-board measurements showing a good agreement between full-scale and model-scale wind tunnel tests.