Escot Bocanegra, D., Poyatos Martínez, D., Plaza Gallardo, B. 2018. Indoor Measurement of Bistatic High Resolution Range Profiles of Scale Model Aircraft Targets. 15th European Radar Conference (EuRAD), 174-177, DOI: 10.23919/EuRAD.2018.8546593
Bistatic radar has been recently attracting again the attention of engineers and scientists due to a variety of reasons, including, for instance, the current developments in passive radar systems or the advantages that bistatic radar offer to detect stealth platforms. Under these circumstances, radar cross section (RCS) measurement facilities have to be able to evolve accordingly and provide bistatic measurement capability. This paper introduces BIANCHA, a multi-purpose testing facility, and demonstrates its applicability for this purpose by presenting results of the bistatic scattering analysis of scaled model aircraft targets.