Obtaining minimum-drag shapes through surrogate-based global optimization: An application to the aerodynamic shape design of the landing gear master cylinder

Andrés Pérez, E., González Juarez, D., Martín Burgos, M. J., Carro Calvo, L., Salcedo Sánz, S. 2018. Obtaining minimum-drag shapes through surrogate-based global optimization: An application to the aerodynamic shape design of the landing gear master cylinder. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part G Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 232, 15, 2858-2869, DOI: 10.1177/0954410017717285

Nowadays, one of the priorities of the European Commission is to reduce the environmental impact of aviation through the advanced design of novel aircraft configurations. This is of utmost importance in order to decrease the environmental footprint of aviation and to reduce fuel consumption and make airlines more profitable. This implies that new methods and tools for aerodynamic shape optimization will have to be developed, allowing aircraft configurations that cannot be obtained with traditional strategies. This paper focuses on the application of enhanced methods in aerodynamic shape design optimization to enable advanced aircraft configurations. In particular, this work aims to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed strategy to reach optimal configurations that are far away from its baseline geometry. For this purpose, evolutionary algorithms are combined with support vector machines and applied to the optimization of a baseline geometry for different flow conditions. In particular, the selected application is based on the shape optimization problem of the landing gear master cylinder. Results pointed out the feasibility of the mentioned strategy to enable novel configurations within an aerodynamic shape optimization process.

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