García, S. G., Silvia, F., Escot, D., Pascual, E., Pantoja, M. F., Riu, P., Anon, M., Álvarez, J., Cabello, M., Pous, M., Fernández, S., Trallero, R., Poyatos, D., Nuno, L. 2016. UAVEMI project: Numerical and experimental EM immunity assessment of UAV for HIRF and lightning indirect effects. ESA Workshop on Aerospace EMC, DOI: 10.1109/AeroEMC.2016.7504557
The UAVEMI project, funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, gathers a consortium formed by several research and development institutions and one industrial partner. The main goal is to develop innovative experimental and numerical approaches for the assessment of the electromagnetic compatibility of unmanned air vehicles, under high intensity radiated fields, lightning indirect effects and non-nuclear electromagnetic pulses. This contribution describes the capabilities currently being developed under the project.