Carla Alejandre and Marina Fernández Ruz, CAB students, win the “Best Poster Communication” and “My thesis in 3 minutes” awards respectively at the “XXIV Congreso de Física Estadística FISES’23”.

Carla Alejandre, student of the Prebiotic Chemistry and Physics of Complex Systems Group of the CAB, has received the “Best Poster Communication” award at the XXIV Congreso de Física Estadística FISES’23 for her work entitled “Modeling a primordial, non-enzymatic RNA replication in the early Earth”. Only three of the 121 posters presented received this award.

In turn, Marina Fernández Ruz, a student from the same research group, received the “My thesis in 3 minutes” award at the congress, where she presented her thesis project “Modelling the origin of life as a complex and emergent process” to the audience.

This congress was held from 25 to 27 October at the University of Navarra, Pamplona, and is the regular meeting of the Statistical and Nonlinear Physics Specialist Group (GEFENOL), within the framework of the Spanish Royal Society of Physics. Its main objective is to promote Statistical and Nonlinear Physics in Spain and the scientific and academic exchange between the groups researching in these disciplines. The members of the Complexity and Astrobiology Group of the CAB, to which both students belong, have been linked to this community for years with the aim of creating a bridge between Complexity Physics and Astrobiology and thus apply complexity theory, mathematical modelling and advanced computation to better understand the origin and evolution of life on this planet and others.

All the information on both awards can be found at:

Marina Fernández Ruz presents her thesis in 3 minutes to the audience of the FISES'23 congress.
Carla Alejandre receives the "Best Poster Communication" award from Javier Burguete, coordinator of the organising committee of the FISES'23 congress.

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