International Astrobiology Summer School
The ‘Josep Comas i Solà’ International Summer School in Astrobiology is co-organized by the Centro de Astrobiología (CAB), INTA-CSIC, the NASA Astrobiology Program and the Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo (UIMP), and sponsored by INTA and ESA. Held annually at the Palacio de la Magdalena (in Santander, Spain) it has become a tradition in the astrobiology community. The week-long program for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows provides lectures from international experts, round-table discussions, student projects, night-sky observations, and a whole-day field trip to a nearby site of astrobiological interest.
The XX International Summer School in Astrobiology which will be focused on exoplanet habitability
- Title: “Exoplanets: thousands of possibilities for complex chemistry and life”
- Dates: June 24-28, 2024
- Summary: With more than 5,500 exoplanets now detected and the next generation of ground- and space-based telescopes either in service or in development, we are on the verge of moving beyond mere detection to detailed characterization of these distant worlds by studying their atmospheres. As we do so, learning more about the formation and evolution of Earth and the other members of our solar system will better enable us to understand the characteristics, processes, and dynamics of exoplanets and the telltale signatures contained in the their atmospheres.
Four experts in astrobiology, who are also recognized as outstanding teachers (two American and two European), will:
– Share the latest news and discoveries in their field
– Discuss existing and new telescopes, technological challenges, and design considerations for future observations
– Cover frontier research in the co-evolution of life and the biosphere
– Explore recent progress in planetary atmosphere and biosignature modeling
We invite interested Doctoral (PhD) students and early career Postdocs whose research is related to the topics of the School to apply below.
ESA candidates:
– Available for tertiary education students from ESA Member States, Canada, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovakia and Slovenia, enrolled as graduate or PhD student in a university, or recent postdocs researching a subject which is related to one or more of the summer School topics.
– ESA Applications are due April 21, 2024
– Further information and contact: Miguel Mas-Hesse (
Other European candidates:
– Students from countries belonging to the European Higher Education Area, (EHEA: or enrolled in European universities should apply through the UIMP and INTA program.
– Website:
– Application form: the webpage for the registration at UIMP will open in April.
– Further information and contact: Carmen Suárez ( [CC: Carlos Briones (]
US candidates:
– Website:
– ESA Applications are due April 12, 2024
– Application for US candidates:
– Letter of Recommendation:
– Further information and contact: Melissa Kirven-Brooks (