Discovery of the first planetary system of the KOBE experiment

A team of researchers from several European institutions, led by the Center for Astrobi- ology (CAB, CSIC-INTA), has confirmed the first planetary system in one of the 50 stars monitored by the KOBE project.
Microbial life in one of the most extreme ecosystems on Earth: the Antarctic Plateau.

An international team led by the Centro de Astrobiologia (CAB), CSIC-INTA, and the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, shows a novel platform for scientific exploration of the most remote places in Antarctica,
TRAPPIST-1 b’s thermal emission in two colors, new insights on the planet’s nature

Scientists from Centro de Astrobiología (CSIC-INTA) participates in this study about the nature of exoplanet TRAPPIST-1 B
Supermassive black holes alter the chemical evolution of galaxies

TheAstrobiology Center (CAB) (CSIC-INTA) leeds this study showing how the supermassive quasar-hided black hole activity have transformed the chemical compositions of the existing galasy gas. quasar
Huge microbial diversity adapted to extreme conditions on a 11,000-year-old lake terrace

An international group of scientists led by the Centro de Astrobiología (CAB), INTA- CSIC, and the IMDEA Water Institute, in Madrid (Spain), identified hundreds of new microbial genomes of previously unreported species in 11,000-year-old sediments from Laguna Lejía, a lake in the Chilean Altiplano
Neptune-like exoplanets cluster in a particular region near their stars

An international team of astronomers led by Centro de Astrobiología (CAB), INTA- CSIC and the University of Geneva, has uncovered the “Neptunian Ridge”, a newly identified structure in the distribution of exoplanets.
Discovering the “living fossils” of the Atacama Trench

A team of astrobiologers led by the Center for Astrobiology (CAB), CSIC-INTA (Spain), have just discovered “living fossils” in the atacama trens in North Chile shoreline.
Black hole’s business-as-usual in the earliest universe highlights galaxy evolution problem | Max Planck Institute for Astronomy

A team of astronomers participated by the Center for Astrobiology (CAB), CSIC-INTA (Spain), have just published new discoveries about black holes Bossman et al. Descarga
A Waltz of Millions of Years in the Milky Way: An Ultracool Subdwarf with a White Dwarf. First Age Reference

VVV1256-62 A and B are a couple formed by a white dwarf cooler than the Sun and a low-mass, low-metallicity cool dwarf (L type) that are orbiting each other with a period of about 60,000 years, dancing a million-year waltz across the Galaxy. This is the first time that the age of an L dwarf […]
The dusty nature of little red dots, the enigmatic galaxies discovered by the James Webb Space Telescope

A team of astronomers led by the Center for Astrobiology (CAB), CSIC-INTA (Spain), have just published new discoveries about the most enigmatic galaxies discovered by the James Webb Space Telescope, the so-called Little Red Dots. With new data taken with an instrument that they helped to build, MIRI, the CAB-led team have discovered that little […]
Ammonia trail leads to exoplanets

En un reciente estudio, liderado por el Centro de Astrobiología (CAB), CSIC-INTA, un equipo de investigadores de diversos institutos europeos y norteamericanos ha logrado medir el amoníaco en la atmósfera de una estrella enana marrón fría. La abundancia isotópica del amoníaco puede utilizarse para estudiar cómo se forman los planetas gaseosos gigantes. Las relaciones entre […]
Identifican con el JWST la galaxia similar a la Vía Láctea más lejana jamás observada

An international scientific team, led by the Centro de Astrobiología (CAB), CSIC-INTA, has discovered the most distant barred spiral galaxy known to date. The discovery, made using data from the James Webb Space Telescope, has been published in the journal Nature.
Marina Fernández Ruz, CAB student, wins “Yo investigo, Yo soy CSIC 2024” award

Marina Fernández Ruz, a doctoral student from CAB, has been awarded the “Yo investigo, Yo soy CSIC 2024” prize annually granted by the Department for Postgraduate and Specialization (DPE) of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) for the best outreach videos by young doctoral candidates. Marina presented her thesis project entitled “Modeling the Origin of […]
Carla Alejandre and Marina Fernández Ruz, CAB students, win the “Best Poster Communication” and “My thesis in 3 minutes” awards respectively at the “XXIV Congreso de Física Estadística FISES’23”.

Carla Alejandre, student of the Prebiotic Chemistry and Physics of Complex Systems Group of the CAB, has received the “Best Poster Communication” award at the XXIV Congreso de Física Estadística FISES’23 for her work entitled “Modeling a primordial, non-enzymatic RNA replication in the early Earth”. Only three of the 121 posters presented received this award. […]
The most distant galaxy similar to the Milky Way discovered with JWST

An international team, led by the Centro de Astrobiología (CAB), CSIC-INTA, has discovered the most distant barred spiral galaxy similar to the Milky Way observed to date. The discovery, made possible thanks to the extraordinary capabilities of the James Webb Space Telescope, has been published in the Nature journal. 08-11-2023 We believed that barred spiral […]