Ammonia trail leads to exoplanets

En un reciente estudio, liderado por el Centro de Astrobiología (CAB), CSIC-INTA, un equipo de investigadores de diversos institutos europeos y norteamericanos ha logrado medir el amoníaco en la atmósfera de una estrella enana marrón fría. La abundancia isotópica del amoníaco puede utilizarse para estudiar cómo se forman los planetas gaseosos gigantes. Las relaciones entre […]

Marina Fernández Ruz, CAB student, wins “Yo investigo, Yo soy CSIC 2024” award

Marina recibiendo premio

Marina Fernández Ruz, a doctoral student from CAB, has been awarded the “Yo investigo, Yo soy CSIC 2024” prize annually granted by the Department for Postgraduate and Specialization (DPE) of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) for the best outreach videos by young doctoral candidates. Marina presented her thesis project entitled “Modeling the Origin of […]

Carla Alejandre and Marina Fernández Ruz, CAB students, win the “Best Poster Communication” and “My thesis in 3 minutes” awards respectively at the “XXIV Congreso de Física Estadística FISES’23”.

Carla Alejandre, student of the Prebiotic Chemistry and Physics of Complex Systems Group of the CAB, has received the “Best Poster Communication” award at the XXIV Congreso de Física Estadística FISES’23 for her work entitled “Modeling a primordial, non-enzymatic RNA replication in the early Earth”. Only three of the 121 posters presented received this award. […]

The most distant galaxy similar to the Milky Way discovered with JWST

An international team, led by the Centro de Astrobiología (CAB), CSIC-INTA, has discovered the most distant barred spiral galaxy similar to the Milky Way observed to date. The discovery, made possible thanks to the extraordinary capabilities of the James Webb Space Telescope, has been published in the Nature journal. 08-11-2023 We believed that barred spiral […]